April 17, 2011


Stats From The 2013/2014 Season And AGM

Last modified on 2014-10-14 14:16:21 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

We’re proud to announce that the 2014 AGM was a great success. The current committee was re-elected with two new committee members being added, namely Neill van Rooyen and Warren Prior. Neill and Warren will serve the committee remotely due to their location in Durban.

As per usual the AGM was followed by a dinner at the Himeville Arms. A big thank you goes out to Warren Prior for his talk entitled “Sea to Sani”, which discussed the various fly fishing opportunities available to fly anglers in KwaZulu-Natal.

The fishing festival held on Saturday was also a great success although sadly only 7 fisherman took part. That said fishing was fantastic and they landed 35 fish on the day in what were superb conditions.

Below are the top 3 fish of the festival.

Derek Saltzman 2.4kg rainbow hen
Warren Prior 2.3kg brown hen
Craig Simpson 2kg rainbow hen
Warren with a brown trout caught during the festival

Warren with a brown trout caught during the festival

The 2013/2014 season as a whole was equally as productive. Below are years awards, courtesy of Alan Payn:

Heaviest Stillwater Trout Steve Brooks 4.2kg rainbow hen
Heaviest River Trout Lance Bainbridge 1.8kg rainbow cockfish
Riperian Owner Of The Year Trace Pricemoor Finelands

And finally a big thank you to our sponsors for the event.

Riverlea Lodge
Himeville Arms Hotel
Blackbrook Cottages
Ian Davies
Sani Pass Tours


Stats From The 2012/2013 Season And AGM

Last modified on 2013-10-18 11:39:42 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

UHTFC Banners

UHTFC Banners

Warren with a trout caught at the festival

Warren with a trout caught at the festival

We’re proud to announce that the 2013 AGM went off swimmingly, as did the post AGM dinner. A big thank you goes out to Ilan Lax for his very informative talk on NEM:BA and the control and eradication of trout. I think we all left a lot better informed than when we arrived. For more information please take a look at the FOSAF website.

The fishing festival held on Saturday was also a great success with 16 fisherman taking part. The anglers fished 8 waters and produced a total of 112 trout. Not bad for a day’s fishing.

Below are the top 4 bags for the festival:

Kendal Coward 2.69kg (2 fish)
Neill van Rooyen 2.55kg (1 fish)
Julian Raal 1.93kg (2 fish)
Warren Prior 1.84kg (1 fish)

The 2012/2013 season was equally as productive. Below are some interesting stats courtesy of Alan Payn:

Heaviest Stillwater Trout Garth Niewenhuis 3kg hen out of Lake Ringstead in March
Heaviest River Trout Dawie Wasserman 1.7 kg hen out of Upper Ericsberg in May
Riperian Owner Of The Year Jack Lund Lund’s Dam

Finally a big thank you to our sponsors.

Riverlea Lodge
Himeville Arms Hotel
Durban Champion Panel Beaters
Nud Sports, Underberg
Laser core, Jared McLean
Sani Signs, Underberg
Ian Davies, Underberg


The UHTFC AGM 2013

Last modified on 2013-10-03 07:33:45 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

You are invited to attend the AGM on 12th October at 18:00 at the Himeville Arms Hotel, Himeville, as set out in the attached notice and agenda.

After the AGM there will be a dinner at the Himeville Arms Hotel and Mr Ilan Lax, chairman of FOSAF, will be the guest speaker. His subject will be a report back on the status of the NEM-BA (Biodiversity Act) and how it might impact on trout activities. This is the single most important issue facing trout fishers, breeders, fishing lodges etc at the moment and we are very fortunate to have Ilan Lax, who has played such a key role to date, come and talk to us.

Please ensure that you confirm your dinner booking with me as soon as possible and at least one week before the AGM.

There will be a fishing festival, starting Friday 11th at 18:00 (meet and greet) when fishing beats will be issued.

Price R200.00 per head including dinner after the AGM.

See also:

Minutes 2012
Proposed Agenda For AGM
Proxy Letter

With kind regards
Ian Davies

Peter Hayes Fly Fishing Clinic

Last modified on 2013-05-22 09:17:36 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Peter Hayes with the kids

Peter Hayes with the kids

Peter teaching the kids

Peter teaching the kids

Peter with some UHTFC members

Peter with some UHTFC members

On Friday afternoon Peter Hayes was kind enough to run a development clinic for the kids of Underberg. He arrived in miserable conditions and after enjoying a quick sherry set about wowing both the kids and adults by making even the most mundane task of kitting up a rod seem interesting.

He then began the clinic by demonstrating a few useful casts which the kids may not have seen before. These included roll casts and bow and arrow casts. He also showed some out the box thinking by demoing casts with the butt section of the rod removed and stuffed down his pants. This cast is especially useful for tight river fishing with a lot of vegetation on the banks.

Other tips included clever ways of kitting up rods and easy methods off getting your fly from the water into your hand.

After showing off some of his other casting skills he moved on to teaching standard casts. This included the use of a 1 meter long indoor rod and a clear perspex tube with a ball bearing in it used to teach timing. He also demonstrated some clever techniques used to easily get a beginner casting with the correct tension on the line.

With the rain getting ever harder the clinic was then moved indoors and some fun was had with the kids and the short, indoor rod.

Sadly, just as the rain started to subside, the kids had to leave. This did however mean that some of the members who had arrived got to witness a distance casting demo by Peter. He blows traditional theories out the window and casts a full line effortlessly whilst breaking all the rules. He truly is impressive!

Peter was also kind enough to rerun the clinic in the morning when the weather was better. Sadly not all of the kids could attend this session.

We’d like to thank Peter Hayes, Linda Gorlei and the KZNFFA from the bottom of our hearts for putting together such an incredible event. Peter is truly a world class caster and instructor. His teaching methods make learning fly casting a pleasure. He’s not only an instructor, he’s an entertainer. Thank you.

KZNFFA’s Clinic Visit

Last modified on 2013-05-08 11:28:48 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

KZNFFA will be visiting the UHTFC on the 17th May from 14.30 at the Underberg Country Club where a Fishing Clinic will be conducted. All keen fly fishers are invited at NO CHARGE.

Fish Lost At The Clinic

Last modified on 2013-03-13 11:13:52 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

It was great to see two of the lads hook into fish during the last clinic. There was huge excitement from the banks. Sadly both were lost.

Even more amazing was the youngster’s abilities to cast in long grass. I know a few experienced fishermen who it would’ve gotten the better of.

Stalking trout in long grass

Stalking trout in long grass

The latest group of youngsters

The latest group of youngsters

The Clinics Continue

Last modified on 2013-02-12 11:04:11 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Three clinics in and the youngsters are progressing at a fantastic pace. Great fun was had by all and almost all the novices were casting well in a very short time.

Similar classes will be held every Friday and we look forward to more even participants in the future. Our thanks to KZNFFA for equipment and encouragement to get this started.

If you wish to attend then please call the office or come along at 4pm. The clinic is aimed at encouraging young people and others who have never had to chance to try out a fly rod.

Excited Youngsters

Excited Youngsters

We've All Been There

We’ve All Been There

Alan Teaching The Kids

Alan Teaching The Kids


Casting Instructions

Casting Instructions

Ready To Go

Ready To Go

Fly Fishing Clinic

Last modified on 2013-01-31 06:52:25 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

We’re proud to announce that we’ve started a fly fishing clinic. It will be run every Friday at 4pm at the Underberg  Country Club and promises to be highly worthwhile to youngsters and those new to the sport. Why not pop along and see what it’s all about. Below is a photo from our first clinic.

Friday Clinic At The Underberg Country Club

Friday Clinic At The Underberg Country Club

Stocking 2012

Last modified on 2013-01-20 09:56:00 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Below are a few photos from a recent stocking of Lake Isabella, the Grange and Lake Ringstead. Click on the photo to see the full size image.

The Stocking Vehicle

The Stocking Vehicle

Releasing The Fish

Releasing The Fish

Excited Stockies

Excited Stockies

UHTFC Clinics

Last modified on 2012-11-14 12:24:21 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

The UHTFC has joined up with KZNFFA to promote fly fishing within the area.

Six young pupils at Faithway School in Himeville have been targeted and clinics will begin soon after exams are completed. The UHTFC would like to thank KZNFFA for the equipment donated in the form of rods, reels, nets, flyboxes and tippet material.

Clinics will begin at the Underberg Country Club on Friday afternoons

The 2012 AGM and Spring Festival!

Last modified on 2012-11-14 11:44:03 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

The date for the 2012 AGM has been set for Saturday the 13th of October at 6pm. The venue is still to be confirmed but dinner will be served after the meeting and there will be the annual prize giving. Cost for the dinner will be R200 per person.

Over the same weekend the club will also be hosting our annual Spring Fishing Festival with plenty of prizes. This event will kick off early Saturday morning but beat allocations will be in the evening of Friday the 12th.

Hope to see you all there!

The 2011 Spring Still Water Festival and Club AGM

Last modified on 2011-09-15 18:00:10 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

On the 15th of October the Club will be holding its Spring Still Waters Festival and Annual General Meeting. This event will be open and will give visitors the opportunity to fish waters that are normally reserved for members only. There will be drinks and water allocations on the evening of Friday the 14th followed by a one day still waters competition. In the evening there will be a dinner and prize giving at the Country Club. Sunday will be informal fishing but all the club waters will be open to anyone who takes part in the competition including the rivers. We are looking forward to an excellent turn out this year so be sure to book early.

Cost is R200 per rod for visitors and R150 per rod for members.

You can download the official Festival announcement in pdf format here.

The notice of AGM is available here (members who have not received a copy of the club financials please send us a mail).

The Autumn River Fly-fishing Festival, 2011

Last modified on 2011-09-15 17:55:08 GMT. 0 comments. Top.

Bill and his Wife on receiving the long service award.

Bill and his Wife on receiving the long service award.

The Autumn River Fly-fishing Festival has come and gone and was a huge success. Over 40 people attended the dinner held at the Old Hatchery to honor our ex-club manager, Bill Simsons, long standing contributions to the club. There were lots of prizes and a special award was given to Mr Simson.

We now look forward to the Spring Festival to be held over the weekend of the 15th of October. This will coincide with the club AGM to be held on the Saturday night. The exact format of the weekend is still to be decided but all members are invited to join in!