Eleven rods on the rivers produced no fish. T. Thurston reported 4 rods on his river section saw no fish. A. Hoffman reported hard fishing produced a few bigger fish (up to 40cm) and only 1 fingerling on his section below The Banks. D. Shepherd reported loosing a fish on Upper Ericsberg. There were also reports of a 40cm fish caught at Drac Gardens.
Seventy nine rods on the still waters produced 74 fish. The biggest fish was caught by T.Ekoffat at Lake Ringstead and was estimated at 7.5lbs.
Average water temperatures of 22°C.
Finelands 1 and 2 closed from the 29 Dec 2016 to 11 Jan 2017 for private use. Isabella and Ringstead closed 4 Jan 2017 to 15 Jan 2017 for nationals.