December, 2021
On the still waters, 45 rods caught 99 trout, the largest of which was 13.18lbs, caught in Finelands by M. Brandis. In the rivers, 22 rods caught 144 trout. The longest was 50cm and caught by P.Ekhoff at Lower Ericsberg.
On the still waters, 45 rods caught 99 trout, the largest of which was 13.18lbs, caught in Finelands by M. Brandis. In the rivers, 22 rods caught 144 trout. The longest was 50cm and caught by P.Ekhoff at Lower Ericsberg.
On the still waters, 31 rods landed 68 fish, the biggest of which was 3.8kgs by B.Brandis at Finelands. On the rivers, 24 rods landed 59 fish, the longest of which was 49cm by M.Kyle at Upper Ericsberg.
On the still waters, 13 rods caught 36 trout, the heaviest of which was 3kg from Finelands by B. Brandis. On the rivers, 23 rods caught 112 trout, the longest of which was 48cm by S. Senekal at Lower Tretower.
On the still waters, 138 rods caught 218 trout, the heaviest of which was 8.5lbs from Ringstead by L. Armstrong. These figures include 122 rods catching 199 trout during the festival. On the rivers, 24 rods caught 203 trout, the longest of which was 53cm by P. Ekhoff at Upper Ericsberg.
On the still waters, 24 rods caught 56 trout. The longest was a 66cm rainbow trout, caught in Glengariff by S. Senekal/D. Parsons. Blair Athol is fishing well with a good water level and healthy stock. The rivers to be opened for fishing on the 1st September 2021.
On the club’s still waters, 18 rods caught 20 trout, the heaviest of which was a 3kg rainbow by S. Senekal at Glengariff. The rivers remain closed until further notice.
On the still waters, 17 rods caught 28 trout, the heaviest of which was a 6.5lbs beauty by R. Doherty at Ringstead. The rivers remain closed until further notice.
On the rivers, 26 rods caught 115 trout. The longest was a 48cm beaut, landed at Lower Upper Ericsberg by R.Quin. On the still waters, 37 rods caught 46 trout. The longest was a 58cm rainbow, landed at Glengariff by M. Brandis. During the UHTFC Rivers in May Festival, 579 trout were landed. And during Read more about May, 2021[…]
On the rivers, 27 rods caught 133 trout. The longest was 48cm, caught at Lower Tretower by Wessie. On the still waters, 36 rods caught 30 trout. The heaviest was 5lbs, caught at Ringstead by J. Vaubell. A water temperature of 17oC was measured at Glengariff. Water at Ringstead is still dirty.
The rivers were on fire this month, with 8 rods landing 105 trout. The longest was a 43cm caught at Lower Ericsberg by M. Pitt. On the still waters, 26 rods caught 33 trout. The heaviest was 7lbs at Glengariff by J. Vaubell. Water temperature of 21oC was measured at Trelevan 4. Both Ringstead and Read more about March, 2021[…]