May 20, 2011

Club Bye-laws

Made by the Committee on 2/8/54 and amended by the Committee on 17/6/77, 28/2/92  and 26/3/99.

  1. Fishing in waters is open only to Members.
  2. Temporary Membership:  for a daily Member.
    1. No Member or Visitor (Daily Member) may fish in Club Waters unless he is in possession of the Rod Ticket for that day. The Manager has powers of discretion to accept or refuse Daily Membership.
    2. He is in good standing with the Club.
    3. He undertakes to comply with all rules formulated by the Committee for each particular stretch of water in addition to all the Provincial fishing regulations.
    4. Members are required to report damage to Club or Riparian Owner.
  3. Bookings
    1. Bookings can only be made at the Club Office. Members who wish to bring guests must pay the visitor’s rod fee before they begin to fish. Once members have booked fishing for a guest they are liable for the full rod fee whether the guest fishes or not.
    2. Full members may book Club Water not more than 24 hours in advance.
    3. No Members may book more than one section on any one day.
    4. No Members fishing together may book more than one stretch of water on any one day: provided that if a Member or Members have booked a particular stretch for a particular day and such Member or Members thereafter decide not to fish such stretch or to discontinue fishing such stretch they may cancel the booking for such a stretch and thereafter book any remaining unbooked stretch of water for such day.
    5. No member may book the same stretch of water on two consecutive days.
    6. No member may fish any one stretch of water more than four (4) days per season without the consent of the Manager.
  4. Other
    1. Lighting of fires (including gas bottle fires) on the grounds of riparian owners is strictly prohibited. Members are reminded of the dangers of lighted cigarettes and matches.
    2. Members may not be accompanied by dogs or any other animals.
  5. Cars must not be parked in such a manner as to obstruct either roadways or gates. Cars must not be driven across pastures or any cultivated lands under any circumstances.
  6. Members must take particular care not to leave litter behind them, to leave gates as they find them, open or closed and generally leave the property in the condition in which it was when they entered it.
  7. Members are obliged to furnish to the Manager particulars of their catches.
  8. While Members are entitled to take food for their own consumption with them whilst fishing, no picnics on the grounds of Riparian Owners are permitted without the express and specific consent of the Riparian Owners in question. Entry to the property is confined to the people named on the rod ticket, unless with the specific permission of the Manager.
  9. No Member of the Club may fish on Club waters or any other proclaimed trout waters otherwise than in accordance with current provincial regulations. 
  10. It is the responsibility of Members to determine and adhere to the size of fish and bag limits applicable to any given section of water. 

NB.  Bags are not “transferable”. Thus if two Members are fishing and the bag limit is 4 fish each, each Member is limited to 4 fish regardless of whether or not the other Member catches any fish.   

  1. Bag and Size Limits. The number and size of trout which may be taken from each Club Water shall be set from time to time by the Committee. Members who have taken their limit for the day must cease fishing and may not begin fishing on any other club water on that day. Fish that are to be returned to the water are to be handled with great care. If however, an undersized fish is too damaged to return, it may be retained and will not be counted for the purpose of determining the Member’s bag. Members may catch and return fish to the water, up to a maximum of six per day on dams or eight per day on rivers, provided that any number of undersized may be caught and returned.
  2. Members may not fish on Club river waters from boats, rafts or float tubes.
  3. Members fishing on Club waters may not use outboard motors or any other form of motor whatsoever.
  4. No Member of the Club may fish Club waters other than with a recognized fly rod, trout reel and trout fly. The Manager or his duly appointed bailiff shall have sole power to judge whether or not any particular rod, reel or fly conforms with the above description. Trolling is not permitted on Club waters.  “Trolling” means angling in a boat with the line continuously trailing in the water while the boat is being rowed.
  5. Members are reminded that they are given the privilege of fishing solely as the result of the courtesy and cooperation of the Riparian Owners and that it  is their duty to make endeavors to do nothing which may be contrary to the wishes or interests of the Riparian Owners.